Celebrating 10 years!


Thank you for 10+ years of partnership in Sintaro Village! Be sure to watch the latest Impact Film below!


Child sponsorship is the primary funding vehicle for our Sintaro project. Know that even during these up and down times, your sponsorship means so much! Your sponsorship funds the operations of the Sintaro school as well as uniforms, school supplies, medical care and two meals a day for your sponsored child. Also, a portion of your sponsorship continues to go towards the community, including maintenance of the community well, support of the local churches and adult education opportunities. 

Sponsoring a child is a gift to the child, but it is a blessing to the sponsor as well. More than just a tax write-off for those making financial contributions, you will receive letters from and photos of your child at least annually. You will learn about how our support is changing their life, family and village. You can even visit Ethiopia, meet your child and be doubly blessed!

Our school in Sintaro is now full with 500 students in grades pre-kindergarten through eight. Sponsorship makes a life changing impact on a child in Sintaro by providing uniforms, books, health checks, daily meals, and spiritual nourishment. Interested in sponsoring a child? Email us at


See behind the scenes of one of Sintaro Hope Primary & Middle School students by watching a day in her life below!