About CPC
Reaching People and Following Jesus
Our Vision
R – RENEW a gospel movement among the unchurched 95% in the San Ramon Valley
E – ENGAGE all generations through gatherings, groups and technology
A – ATTRACT the next generation of young families and students
C – CARE for hurting people through the gospel of hope and healing
H – HELP people generously leverage their time, talent and treasure locally and globally
Leadership & Staff
Our Pastoral Team provides executive leadership for Community Presbyterian Church.
The staff is a team of paid leaders who are committed to the pastoral, administrative, and overall care of the life of CPC.
CPC is governed by elders, both staff and volunteer lay elders. Our elders are responsible for the oversight of the ministry of the church and are nominated and elected by the members of CPC. They seek to discern the mind of Christ as we follow Him in all that we do as a church.
The deacons represent the hands and feet of Christ, servant leaders who care for our church and our local community.
Current Elder List:
Tom Bellig
Paul Bianchi
Wendy Bjeldanes
Susan Burroughs
David Danis
Leanne Drozdowicz
Kolisa Larue
Geoff LaTendresse
Dan Lucht
Eva Moon
Chris Sherry
Ruth Ann Thompson
Current Deacon List:
Elaine Atterbury
Sue Birkenseer
Yvonne Brazil
Renee Bullock
Jim Cowan
Patty Fairchild
Mark Furrow
Ali Horn
David Jones
Jo Ann Jones
Lyn Kern
Dale Kohaya
Paul Kwon
Robin Latendresse
Brian Lescure
Ed Manguiat
Mike Miller
Jordan Murray
Katy Nelson
Michelle Nicholas
David Perry
Julie Rush
Jon Sawyer
Jerilyn Shahoian
Tracey Shepherd
Our Denomination
CPC is affiliated with the EPC, a denomination of over 600 churches around the United States. We are a part of the Presbytery of the Pacific Southwest, as one of 32 churches from California and Nevada. The focus of this presbytery is: Ministerial Support (supporting new churches coming to the EPC in the Western Region), Church Planting, and World Outreach.
The EPC is a denomination formed in 1981 and had its beginning in the Reformation under John Calvin (1509-1564). The Constitution of the EPC consists of the Book of Order (comprised of The Book of Government, The Book of Discipline and The Book of Worship), the Westminster Confession of Faith (including the Larger and Shorter Catechisms), and the document Essentials of our Faith. All these documents are subordinate to Scripture, which is "the supreme and final authority" on all matters on which it speaks.